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Victoria N. Serebrova

Victoria N. Serebrova

Victoria N. Serebrova, PhD, Junior researcher, laboratory of evolutionary genetics, Research Institute of Medical Genetics, Tomsk NRMC; Researcher, Common Use Center «Medical Genomics», Tomsk NRMC 

Contact details

Phone: 8 (3822) 51-33-34
fax: 8 (3822) 51-37-44

Brief Biography

2013: graduated from the Medico-biological Faculty of the Siberian State Medical University with a degree in Medical Biochemistry.

2013 - 2016: PhD student, Research Institute of Medical Genetics, SB RAMS.

2016 - 2018: clinical residency in genetics, Research Institute of Medical Genetics, Tomsk NRMC.

2017 - Present: Junior researcher at the laboratory of evolutionary genetics, Research Institute of Medical Genetics, Tomsk NRMC.

2018: PhD thesis for the degree of candidate of medical sciences, specializing in genetics.

2018: Professional retraining in the laboratory genetics program.

2019 - Present: Researcher, Common Use Center «Medical Genomics», Tomsk NRMC.

Research Interests

Genetics of common diseases, evolutionary medicine, population genetics.

Achievements, awards, and grants

V.N. Serebrova takes an active part in the implementation of scientific projects supported by the Federal Target Programs, the Russian Presidential Grant, the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Fund (RHSF), the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR). Currently, Serebrova V.N. is a member of the Vavilov’s Society of Geneticists and Breeders (VSGB) and the Russian Society of Medical Genetics. Serebrova V.N. is a Laureate of the Tomsk region Award in Education, Science, Healthcare and Culture in nomination «Awards to scientific and scientific-pedagogical collectives» of 2017.

Serebrova V.N. is an author of more than 30 publications.

Main Publications

1.                Trifonova E.A., Gabidulina T.V., Agarkova T.A., Serebrova V.N., Butko Y.K., Vorozhisheva A.Y., Yuriev S.Y., Devyatiarova L.A., Minaycheva L.I., Stepanov V.A. Analysis of the role of hereditary thrombophilia in developing severe gestation course. 2012. N. 10. P. 337-344 (in Russian). (
2.                Vorozhischeva A.Y., Trifonova E.A., Butko Y.K., Serebrova V.N., Maksimova N.R., Pavlova K.K., Gabidulina T.V., Stepanov V.A. Genetic variability of the ACVR2A locus in the structure of hereditary predisposition to complications of pregnancy / Medical Genetics. 2013. N.10. P. 35-40 (in Russian). (
3.                Trifonova E.A., Gabidulina T.V., Ershov N.I., Serebrova V.N., Vorozhishcheva A.Yu., Stepanov V.A. Analysis of the placental tissue transcriptome of normal and preeclampsia complicated pregnancies // Acta Naturae. 2014. V. 6, N. 2 (21). P. 71-83. (
4.                Serebrova V. N., Trifonova E. A., Gabidulina T. V., Bukharina I. Yu., Agarkova T. A., Evtushenko I. D., Maksimova N. R., Stepanov V. A. Detection of novel genetic markers of susceptibility to preeclampsia based on an analysis of the regulatory genes in the placental tissue // Molecular Biology. 2016. V. 50, N. 5. P. 768–776. doi: 10.1134/S0026893316050162. (
5.                Serebrova V.N., Trifonova E.A., Stepanov V.A. The role of CORO2A gene regulatory sites in development predisposition to preeclampsia // Medical Genetics. 2016. V. 15, N. 15. P.32-34 (in Russian). (
6.                Serebrova V.N., Trifonova E.A., Stepanov V.A. Evolutionary-genetic analysis of the role of regulatory regions in NDRG1 gene in the formation of the hereditary predisposition structure to preeclampsia in different ethnic groups // Medical Genetics. 2018. V. 17, N. 1. P.32-36 (in Russian). (
7.                Serebrova V.N., Trifonova E.A., Stepanov V.A. Evolutionary-genetic analysis of the role of regulatory regions in CORO2A gene in the formation of the hereditary predisposition structure to preeclampsia in Russian and Yakut ethnic groups // Research Results in Biomedicine. 2018. V.4, N.3. Р. 38-48. doi: 10.18413/2313-8955-2018-4-3-0-4 (in Russian). (
8.                Serebrova V.N., Trifonova E.A., Vorozhischeva A.Yu., Stepanov V.A. The role of SYDE1 gene regulatory sites in development predisposition to preeclampsia // Medical Genetics. 2019. V.18, N.1. Р. 35-38 (in Russian). (
9.                Serebrova V.N., Trifonova E.A., Pavlova K.K., Vorozhishcheva A.Yu., Kurtanov Kh.A., Pavlova N.I., Stepanov V.A. Replicative analysis of hereditary thrombophilia factors in the development of preeclampsia in the Yakut population // Yakut medical journal. 2019. V.4, N.68. P. 16-20. doi 10.25789/YMJ.2019.68.03 (
10.           Trifonova Е.А., Swarovskaja М.G., Serebrova V.N., Kutsenko I.G., Agarkova L.А., Stepanov I.А., Zhilyakova О.V., Gabidulina Т.V., Ijoykina Е.V., Stepanov V.А. Genomic and Post-Genomic Technologies in the Preeclampsia Genetics // Russian Journal of Genetics. 2020. V.56, N.5. P. 495-513. doi: 10.31857/S0016675820050136 (