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Valery P. Puzyrev

Valery P. Puzyrev

Valery P. Puzyrev, Academician of the Russian Academy of Science, honored worker of science of Russian Federation, Professor, Scientific Supervisor of the Tomsk National Research Medical Center, Scientific Supervisor of the Research Institute of Medical Genetics of TNRMC, Head of the Department of Medical Genetics of the Siberian State Medical University.

Contact details

Phone.:8 (3822) 53-56-83
Fax: 8 (3822) 53-56-83

Brief Biography

Valery Pavlovich Puzyrev was graduated from the Medical Faculty of the Novosibirsk State Medical Institute in 1971. He was a PhD student in Medical Genetics at the same institute. From 1974 to 1981 he worked at the Department of Therapy of the Novosibirsk State Medical Institute as an assistant and then as an assistant professor. At the same time, he organized the first Laboratory of Medical Genetics of the Institute of Clinical and Experimental Medicine of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences since 1979. Since 1981, he headed the specialized department of the Moscow Institute of Medical Genetics of the Academy of Medical Sciences in Tomsk, and from 1986 to 2015 he was a director of the Research Institute of Medical Genetics (Tomsk). At present time he is Scientific Supervisor of the Tomsk National Research Medical Center, Scientific Supervisor of the Research Institute of Medical Genetics of TNRMC. He is a chairman of the United Council for Medical Sciences of the Siberian Branch of Russian academy of Medical Sciences, a member of the Presidium of the SB RAS, vice-president of the Vavilov’s Society of Geneticists and Breeders, an adviser to the Rector of the St. Petersburg State University for coordinating the Genome Russia Project.

Research Interests

Valery P. Puzyrev is the author of more than 820 printed works, including 13 monographs. Ten doctoral thesis and 34 PhD thesis were defended under his scientific leadership. His main scientific research are related to population genetics and genetic epidemiological of common diseases, in particular the genetics of comorbidity in humans. The concept of "sintropic genes" underlying the diseases of the cardiovascular continuum, allergic diseases, and certain infectious diseases was introduced by Valery P. Puzyrev. The importance of evolutionary factors (selection, genetic drift, "the founder effect") in the patterns of their distribution was shown in genetic and demographic studies of hereditary diseases in indigenous population of the Far North and Siberia. The development of ethnogenomics and the research into ethnicity-specific genomic mechanisms of human pathology provided an opportunity to explain the accumulation of "Yakut hereditary diseases", the high frequency of Y chromosome subtotal deletion in Khanty, and the role of the polymorphism of mitochondrial genome in human diseases. In recent years, the role of epigenetic heredity of pathogenesis of multifocal atheroscleros is being intensively investigated.

Achievements, awards, and grants

Scientific group headed by Valery. P. Puzyrev has repeatedly confirmed the status of the Leading Scientific School, supported by Grants of the President of Russian Federation. His scientific team was a participant in several international projects such as GABRIEL (multidisciplinary study of the genetic and environmental causes of asthma in Europe), CHERISH (Improving Diagnoses of Mental in Children in Central Eastern Europe and Central Asia), ADAMS (genetic study of Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia and alcoholism).
He was awarded the Order of Honor of the Russian Federation (1997). For the monograph "Pathological Anatomy of the Human Genome" in co-authorship with Vadim A Stepanov carried out in 1997 and recognized as the best book (1997) he was awarded the diploma of the coordination interdepartmental council on priority area "Life Sciences and Biotechnology" of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Science and Technical Policy of the Russian Federation. He was awarded a diploma of Davidenkov S.N. by Presidium of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the prize for the cycle of works "Hereditary polymorphism of human populations and genetic basis of pathology" (2000). He was awarded a diploma of Baev A. A. Scientific Council of the subprogram "Human Genome" (2000), Davidenkov S.N Commemorative Medal and a Presidium of the Russian Society of Medical Genetics diploma (2002). Valery. P. Puzyrev has the Tuva Republic State prize for his monographs "Genetic Epidemiological Study of Tuva population" and "Tuvinians: genes, demography, health" (2004). He was awarded the Virkhov R. diploma and medal of the European Society of Natural Sciences (2005), the Order of Friendship (2007), “Honorary Worker of Science of the Tyva Republic” title (2007), “Honorary Worker of Science of the Buryatia Republic” title (2007), a Honorary Professor diploma of Tajik Institute (2007) and Award for excellence in health care of the Tajik Republic for his longstanding conscientious work, cooperation and valuable contribution to the development of medical science in Tajikistan (2007). For basic research in cardiology he was awarded a Laureate Prize of Russian Cardiological Society diploma (2016) and a gold medal of the European Scientific and Industrial Chamber (2016).

Main Publications

  1. Dzizinky A. A., Puzyrev V. P. Heredity and atherosclerosis. // Novosibirsk: Science, 1977. 176 p.

  2. Nazarenko S. A., Puzyrev V. P. High frequency of subtotal Y chromosome heterochromatin deletion in Khanty from the lower Ob river. // Russian Journal of Genetics, 1984. V.20. № 9. P.1549-1553.

  3. Puzyrev V. P. Investigation of the features distinguishing the distribution of hereditary diseases in Western Siberia. // Herald of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, 1984. № 7. P.76-78.

  4. Nazarenko S.A., Puzyrev V.P. Genetic drift of marker Y-chromosome del (Y) (q12) in Khanty from the lower Ob river. // Hum. Genet., 1985. V.71. N 2. P.100-102.

  5. Nazarenko S.A., Puzyrev V.P., Lemza S.V. Y-chromosome heterochromatin and human morphophysiological variability. //Acta Genetica Sinica (Yi Chuan Xue Bao), 1991. V.18. N5. P.424-430.

  6. Lemza S.V., Sokolova O.V., Puzyrev V.P. Mitochondrial DNA polymorphism in Russians from West Siberia. // Hum.Hered, 1992. V.42. N2 P.129-133

  7. Stepanov V.A., Puzyrev V.P. Apolipoprotein B Gene Polumorhism in a Russian Population . //Hum. Biology, 1994. V.66. № 3. P. 525-529.

  8. Puzyrev V. P., Stepanov V. A. Pathological anatomy of the human genome. // Novosibirsk: Science, 1997. 224 p.

  9. Stepanov V., Puzyrev V., Karpov R., Kutmin A. Genetic markers in coronary artery disease in Russian population. // Hum. Biology, 1998. V.70. P.47-57.

  10. Puzyrev V.P. Genome liberty and medical pathogenetics // Bulletin of Siberian Medicine, 2002. №2. P.16-27.

  11. Lebedev I. N., Puzyrev V. P. Epigenetic perspectives of safety in assisted reproductive technologies. // Russian Journal of Genetics, 2007.- V. 43.- № 9.- P.1157-1171.

  12. Puzyrev V. P., Maximova N. P. Hereditary diseases among Yakuts // Russian Journal of Genetics, 2008.- V. 44.- № 10.- P. 11141-1147.

  13. Puzyrev P.Valery, Makeeva A. Oksana, Freidin B. Mxsim. Syntropy, genetic testing and personalized medicine. // Personslized Medicine, 2010.- 7(4).- P.399-405.

  14. Puzyrev V. P. Phenome-genome relations and pathogenetics of multifactorial diseases. // Herald of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2011.- № 9.- P.17-27.

  15. Puzyrev V. P. Multifactorial diseases. // Hereditary Diseases: National Guidelines / Ed. By N. P. Bochkov, E. K. Ginter, V. P. Puzyrev / М.: 2012.- P. 610-660.

  16. Nazarenko L. P., Puzyrev V. P. Hereditary diseases in Siberian populations. // In: “Genomics and heals in the developing world” Oxford monographs on medical genetics Chapter 112. “Hereditary diseases among the Yakuts» / Ed. By D. Kumar. Oxford University Press, Inc. Oxford, New York. 2012. C. 1323-1354.

  17. Sokolova E.A.; Malkova N.A., Korobko D.S., Rozhdestvenskii A.S., Kakulya A.V., Khanokh E.V., Delov R.A., Platonov F.A., Popova T.Y., Aref'eva E.G., Zagorskaya N.N., Alifirova V.M., Titova M.A., Smagina I.V., El'chaninova S.A., Popovtseva A.V., Puzyrev V.P., Kulakova O.G., Tsareva E.Y., Favorova O.O., Shchur S.G., Lashch N.Y., Popova N.F., Popova E.V., Gusev E.I., Boyko A.N., Aulchenko Y.S., Filipenko M.L. Association of SNPs of CD40 Gene with Multiple Sclerosis in Russians // PLOS ONE. 2013. V. 8. Is. 4. Article Number: e61032. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0061032

  18. Puzyrev V. P. Genetic bases of human comorbidity. // Russian Journal of Genetics, 2015.- V. 51.- № 4.- P. 408-417.

  19. Golubenko M. V., Nazarenko M. C., Frolov A. V., Sleptcov A. A., Marcov A. V., Glushkova M. E., Barbarash O. L., Puzyrev V. P. Heteroplasmia analysis in the major non-coding region of mitochondrial DNA in the blood and atherosclerotic plaques of the carotid arteries. // Russian Journal of Genetics, 2016.- V. 52. № 4.- P. 497-502.