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Vadim V. Zhdanov

Vadim V. Zhdanov

Vadim V. Zhdanov, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Director of Goldberg Research Institute of Pharmacology and Regenerative Medicine of Tomsk National Research Medical Center of Russian Academy of Sciences.

Contact details

tel.: 8 (3822) 41-83-79
fax: 8 (3822) 41-83-75

Brief Biography

After graduation from the Medical Faculty of the Tomsk Medical Institute in 1987 Vadim Vadimovich studied at the postgraduate school at the Department of Pathological Physiology, then for 3 years he worked as an assistant of the Department. In 1993 he was appointed to the position of researcher at the Laboratory of Pathological Physiology and Experimental Therapy of Institute of Pharmacology of TSC RAMS. Vadim Zhdanov in 1990 defended candidate dissertation, and in 1998 he defended doctoral thesis "The Role of hemopoiesis-inducing microenvironment in hemopoiesis regulation under cytostatic myelosuppressions". After defending doctoral dissertation in 1999 he was approved as a Scientific secretary of the Institute. In 2009 he was elected to the post of Deputy director on scientific work of Institute of Pharmacology of SB RAMS. In 2013-2016 Vadim Zhdanov was the Head of the Laboratory of Pathophysiology and Experimental Therapy. In September 22, 2016 by order of the Director of Tomsk National Research Medical Center of RAS E.L. Choynzonov he was appointed the Director of Goldberg Research Institute of Pharmacology and Regenerative Medicine.

Research Interests

The main direction of V.V. Zhdanov scientific activity is studying behavior of stem cells functions and development of methods of their pharmacological regulation. With his participation and under his leadership, a number of experiments was conducted to study the laws of mobilization, migration and differentiation into tissue-specific precursors of endogenous mesenchymal stem cells and their more mature descendants on models of a number of common diseases and pathological processes: cytostatic myelosuppressions, myocardial infarction, toxic hepatitis, diabetes mellitus, encephalopathy of different genesis, skin wound. The possibility of drug influence on the processes of blood recruitment, homing and maturation in specialized elements of progenitor cells that make up a deep adaptation reserve is investigated. This area is one of the most promising in solving problems of regenerative medicine. It has a definite practical value, since in the course of research new drugs are developed for the modulation of stem cells functions.

V. Zhdanov is the author of 351 scientific papers, including 10 monographs (one of them is abroad: Theory of Hematopoiesis Control. - Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2014), inventor's certificate and 60 patents for inventions, as well as three guidelines. He actively engaged in the training and education of scientific personnel. Under his leadership 2 doctoral and 10 candidate's dissertations are executed.

In 2003 V. Zhdanov was awarded the academic title of professor.

Achievements, awards, and grants 

V.V. Zhdanov proposed new methods of tissue culture in hematology, with his participation a number of new effective hemostimulators (based on recombinant forms of cytokines, glycosaminoglycans and substances of natural origin) and preparations for regenerative medicine were developed.

V.V. Zhdanov takes an active part in the implementation of Federal Targeted Programs and he is a member of the working group of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation on the implementation of the Federal Target Program "Development of the Medical and Pharmaceutical Industry of the Russian Federation for the Period to 2020 and Further Prospects". Zhdanov's research was marked by the letters of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences and the Administration of the Tomsk Region, the prizes of the Tomsk Region Administration in the sphere of education, science, health and culture, and the scholarship of the Governor of Tomsk Region. He is a member of the Board of the Tomsk Regional Branch of the Russian Scientific Society of Pharmacologists, a member of the Tomsk Branch of the National Society of Regenerative Medicine.

He is a member of the Scientific council of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Tomsk National Research Medical Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences". 

Main Publications

  1. Goldberg E.D., Dygai A.M., Zhdanov V.V. The role of hematopoietic microenvironment in the regulation of hematopoiesis in cytostatic myelosuppressions. – Tomsk: STT, 1999. - 128 p. –
  2. Dygai A. M., Zhdanov V.V. Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor. Pharmacological aspects. – M.: Publishing house of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, 2010. -138 p.–

  3. Dygai A.M.,  Zhdanov V.V. Theory of Hematopoiesis Control. – Springer International Publishing Switzerland, 2014. – SpringerBriefs in Cell Biology. – Vol. 5. – 93 p. – DOI 10.1007/978=3-319-08584-5-1. –

  4. Dygai A.M., Zyuz’kov G.N., Zhdanov V.V., Udut E.V., Miroshnichenko L.A., Simanina E.V., Khrichkova T.Yu., Minakova M.Yu., Madonov P.G. Specific Activity of Electron-Beam Synthesis Immobilized Hyaluronidase on G-CSF Induced Mobilization of Bone Marrow Progenitor Cells // Stem Cell Reviews and Reports. – 2013. – Vol. 9, № 2.   – P. 140-147 (DOI: 10.1007/s12015-012-9423-2). –
  5. Dygai A.M., Zyuz`kov G.N., Zhdanov V.V., Udut V.V., Artamonov A.V., Bekarev A.A., Minakova M.Yu. Immobilized Using Nanotechnology of Electron-Beam Synthesis Regulators of Progenitor Cells Functions: Remedies of New Generation for Regenerative Medicine // Recent Patents on Regenerative Medicine (Bentham Science Publishers). – 2013. – Vol. 3, № 2. – Р. 160-175. –

  6. Zyuz’kov G.N., Danilets M.G., Ligacheva A.A., Zhdanov V.V., Udut E.V., Miroshnichenko L.A., Simanina E.V., Trofimova E.S., Minakova M.Yu., Chaikovskii A.V., Agafonov V.I., Dygai A.M. Role of NF-κappa B-Dependent Signaling in the Realization of Growth Potential of Mesenchymal Progenitor Cells in Vitro // Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine (Published: Springer Science+Business Media, Inc., New York, USA). – 2013. – Vol. 155, № 6. – P. 721-723. –

  7.  Zyuz’kov G.N., Maksimenko A.V., Zhdanov V.V., Udut E.V.,  Turashev A.D., Miroshnichenko L.A., Simanina E.V., Chaikovskiy A.V., Minakova M.Yu., Artamonov A.V., Bekarev A.A., Madonov P.G., Udut V.V., Dygai A.M.Specific Effects of Chondroitin Sulfate-Modified Hyaluronidase on the Function of Progenitor Cells  // Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine (Published: Springer Science+Business Media, Inc., New York, USA). – 2014. – V. 156. – Issue 4. – P. 544–547. –

  8.  Zyuz’kov G.N.,  Danilets M.G., Ligacheva A.A., Zhdanov V.V., Udut E.V., Miroshnichenko L.A., Simanina E.V., Trofimova E.S., Minakova M.Yu., Chaikovskiy A.V., Agafonov V.I., Dygai A.M.Participation of PI3K, MAPK ERK1/2, and p38 in the Realization of Growth Potential of Mesenchymal Precursor Cells under In Vitro Conditions // Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine (Published: Springer Science+Business Media, Inc., New York, USA). – 2014. – V. 156. – Issue 4. – P. 556–559. –

  9. Dygai A.M., Zhdanov V.V., L. A. Miroshnichenko,  Udut E.V.,  Zyuz’kov G.N., Simanina E.V., Chaikovskii A.V.,  Stavrova L.A.,  Trofimova E.S.,  Burmina Ya.V. Participation of Signaling Cascades in the Regulation of Erythropoiesis under Conditions of Cytostatic Treatment // Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine (Published: Springer Science+Business Media, Inc., New York, USA). – 2015. – V. 158. – Issue 3. – P. 304-307. –

  10. Zyuz’kov G.N.,  Suslov N.I.,  Losev E.A.,  Ermolaeva L.A.,  Zhdanov V.V.,  Udut E.V., Miroshnichenko L.A.,  Simanina E.V.,  Demkin V.P.,  Povet’eva T.N.,  Nesterova Yu.V., Udut V.V.,  Minakova M.Yu.,  Dygai A.M. Cerebroprotective and Regenerative Effects of Alkaloid Z77 under Conditions of Brain Ischemia //  Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine (Published: Springer Science+Business Media, Inc., New York, USA). – 2015. – V. 158. – Issue 3. – P. 352-355. –

  11. Dygai A.M.,  Chaikovskii A.V.,  Zhdanov V.V.,  Zyuz’kov G.N.,  Stavrova L.A.,  Udut V.V., Miroshnichenko L.A.,  Simanina E.V.,  Borovskaya T.G.,  Poluektova M.E. Responses of Spermatogenous Tissue and Mechanisms of Their Development Upon Cytostatic Exposure // Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine (Published: Springer Science+Business Media, Inc., New York, USA). – 2015. – V. 159. – Issue 6. – P. 743-746. –

  12. Zyuzkov G.N., Suslov N.I., Zhdanov V.V., Udut E.V., Miroshnichenko L.A., Minakova M.Y., Udut V.V., Dygay A.M. The development of pharmacological strategy of cell therapy and perspectives for the creation of highly selective drugs for regenerative medicine on the basis of alkaloids // Clin Exp Pharmacol. – 2015.– Vol. 5, N 4. – P. 103 (World congress on Pharmacology, July 20-22, 2015, Brisbane, Australia). DOI: 10.4172/2161-1459.S1.008

  13. Ligacheva A.A., Danilets M.G., Sherstoboev E. Yu., Zhdanov V.V., Guriev A. M., Belousov M.V., Yusubov M.S., Korzh A.P., Krivoshchekov S.V., Dygai A.M. Effects of Water-Soluble Polysaccharides with Different Chemical Structure, Isolated from Acorus calamus L. and Trifolium pratense L., on Nitric Oxide Production: A Screening Study  // Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine (Published: Springer Science+Business Media, Inc., New York, USA). – 2016. – V. 160. – Issue 3. – P. 330-335. –

  14. Zhdanov V.V., Udut E.V., Sotnikova L.S., Burmina Ya.V., Miroshnichenko L.A., Simanina E.V., Polyakova T.Yu., Zyuz'kov G.N., Chaikovskii A.V., Stavrova L.A., Fedorova E.P., Dygai A.M. Pathogenetic Evaluation of Dysfunction in the Erythron System of Experimental Animals during Modeling of Iron Deficiency Anemia in the Gestation Period // Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine (Published: Springer Science+Business Media, Inc., New York, USA). – 2016. – V. 160. – Issue 4. – P. 417-420. –

  15. Zyuz'kov G.N., Zhdanov V.V., Udut E.V.,  Miroshnichenko L.A., Simanina E.V., Polyakova T.Yu., Chaikovskii A.V., Stavrova L.A., Udut V.V., Agafonov V.I., Burmina Ya.V., Danilets M.G., Minakova M.Yu., Dygai A.M. Implication of JAK1, JAK2, and JAK3 in the Realization of Proliferation and Differentiation Potential of Mesenchymal Progenitor Cells In Vitro // Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine (Published: Springer Science+Business Media, Inc., New York, USA). – 2016. – V. 161. – Issue 2. – P. 224-227. –

  16. Zyuz'kov G.N., Amosova E.N., Chaikovskii A.V. Miroshnichenko L.A., Udut E.V., Rybalkina O.Yu., Zhdanov V.V., Udut V.V., Dygai A.M., Zueva E.P. Antitumor Effects of JAK3 Inhibitor on the Model of Transplantable Lewis Lung Carcinoma and Mechanisms of Their Development // Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine (Published: Springer Science+Business Media, Inc., New York, USA). – 2016.–V.161.–Issue 3.–P.367-370.–

  17. Zyuz’kov G.N., Suslov N.I., Povet’eva T.N., Nesterova,Y.V. Afanas’eva O.G., Udut E.V., Miroshnichenko L.A., Simanina E.V., Polyakova T.Y., Stavrova L.A., Chaikovskii A.V., Kul’pin P.V., Udut V.V., Dygai A.M., Zhdanov V.V.Psychopharmacological effects of JNK inhibitor in posthypoxic encephalopathy and mechanisms of their development // Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. – 2017. - Volume 163, Issue 1. – P. 18-21. –

  18. Miroshnichenko, L.A., Zhdanov V.V., Udut E.V., Polyakova T.Y., Zyuz’kov G.N., Simanina E.V., Sherstoboev E.Y., Stavrova L.A., Agafonov V.I., Minakova M.Y., Chaikovskii A.V., Dygai A.M. Role of NF-κB, PI3K, MAPK/ERK 1/2, and p38 in erythropoietin production by bone marrow nuclears under conditions of immobilization stress // Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. – 2017. – Volume 163, Issue 3. – P. 352-355. –

  19. Trofimova E.S., Zykova M.V., Ligacheva A.A., Sherstoboev E.Y., Zhdanov V.V., Belousov M.V., Yusubov M.S., Krivoshchekov S.V., Danilets M.G., Dygai A.M. Influence of humic acids extracted from peat by different methods on functional activity of macrophages in vitro // Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. – 2017. – Volume 162, Issue 6. – P. 741–745. –

  20. Goldberg V.E., Polyakova T.Yu., Popova N.O., Vysotskaya V.V., Simolina E.I., Belevich Yu.V., Tuzikova T.P., Goldberg A.V., Zhdanov V.V., Miroshnichenko L.A., Udut E.V., Simanina E.V., Dygai A.M., Zyuz’kov G.N. Assessment of erythroid and granulocytic hematopoietic lineages in patients with non-small-cell lung carcinoma // Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine. – 2017. – Volume 163, Issue 4. – P. 469–474.–