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Tretyakova Maria Sergeevna

Tretyakova Maria Sergeevna

Tretyakova Maria Sergeevna, Junior Researcher at the Laboratory of Biology of Tumor Progression, Cancer Research Institute, Tomsk National Research Medical Center



Brief CV 

In 2012, she graduated from the Biological Institute of Tomsk State University with a degree in biology. In the same year she entered the magistracy in this direction. In 2018, she successfully defended her master's thesis titled "Comparative study of the action of nanosecond pulse-periodic radiation on various types of cells."

In 2019, she entered the graduate school of Tomsk Polytechnic University at the research school of chemical and biomedical technologies.

Since 2019, she has been working at the Laboratory of Biology of Tumor Progression Cancer Research Institute as a Junior Research Fellow.

Main research interests are related to in vitro studies. She has been involved in the project entitled "Tumorogenic phenotype of various populations of circulating breast cancer cells."