Roman V. Zelchan
Roman V. Zelchan, MD, Ph.D., D.Sc. Senior Researcher, physician-radiologist of superior category, Nuclear Medicine Department, Cancer Research Institute of Tomsk NRMC, Tomsk, Russia.
Contact details
tel.: +7 (3822) 28-26-86 * 3168
Brief Biography
R.V. Zelchan graduated from Siberian State Medical University with a degree in medicine in 2007. He entered clinical residency in radiology at Scientific Research Institute of Oncology, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Since 2009, he has been working at the Nuclear Medicine Department, Cancer Research Institute of Tomsk NRMC as a physician-radiologist of superior category. In 2013 he successfully defended his thesis titled "Radionuclide methods in the diagnosis of laryngeal and hypopharyngeal cancer." In 2014 he graduated from the residency in the specialty of Roentgenology.In 2021 he defended his DSc thesis "The use of 99mTc-1-thio-d-glucose, a new radiopharmaceutical drug, in the detection of head and neck cancer”.
Research Interests
The main research interests of R.V. Zelchan focus on the development of innovative radiopharmaceuticals for cancer detection. R.V. Zelchan is the author of more than 50 publications including a chapter in the National Manual on Radionuclide Diagnostics, 5 patents of the Russian Federation, and 1 Eurasian patent. Dr. Zelchan regularly presents the results of his scientific research at national and international conferences.
Dr. Zelchan is the executor of the Federal special-purpose program "Development of the pharmaceutical and medical industry of the Russian Federation for the period until 2020 and beyond" on the projects: "Preclinical studies of a new lymphotropic radiopharmaceutical based on technetium-99m gamma-alumina labeled" (GC No. 16.N08. 12.1011), "Preclinical studies of radiopharmaceutical on the basis of labeled 99mTc glucose derivative for radionuclide diagnostics of oncological diseases" (GC No. 14.N08.11.0033), "Preclinical Studies of a radiopharmaceutical based on technetium-99m-labeled doxorubicin for scintigraphic imaging of malignant neoplasms and a prognosis of the effectiveness of chemotherapy "(GC No. 14.N08.11.0034), "Preclinical studies of radiopharmaceutical preparation based on 99mTc-labeled recombinant target molecules for radionuclide diagnostics of oncological diseases with Her-2 / neu overexpression" (GK No. 14.N08.11.0163), "Preclinical studies of a radiopharmaceutical based on labeled 99mTc octreotide for radionuclide diagnostics of neuroendocrine tumors "(GK 14.N08.11.0060).
Main Publications
Zelchan Roman, Chernov Vladimir, Titskaya Anna, Sinilkin Ivan, Chizhevskaya Svetlana, Choynzonov Yevgeniy Ts. Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography with 199Tl in Diagnostics of Malignant Tumors of the Larynx and Laryngopharynx // Advanced Materials Research. 2015. Т. 1084. С. 476-478.
R. Zeltchan, A. Medvedeva, I. Sinilkin1, O. Bragina, V. Chernov, E. Stasyuk, A. Rogov, E. Il’ina, L. Larionova, V. Skuridin, A. Dergilev. Experimental study of radiopharmaceuticals based on technetium-99m labeled derivative of glucose for tumor diagnosis / IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 135 (2016) 012054 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/135/1/012054
R. Zeltchan, A. Medvedeva, I. Sinilkin, V. Chernov, E. Stasyuk, A. Rogov, E. Il’ina, L. Larionova, V. Skuridin. Study of potential utility of new radiopharmaceuticals based on technetium-99m labeled derivative of glucose / В сборнике: AIP Conference Proceedings 2016. С. 020072-1-020072-4.
- R. Zeltchan, A. Medvedeva, I. Sinilkin, O. Bragina, V. Chernov, E. Stasyuk, A. Rogov, E. Il’ina, V. Skuridin. Development and study of 99mTc-1-Thio-D-glucose for visualization of malignant tumors. AIP Conference Proceedings 1882, 020083 (2017);